- Consider the following somewhat nonsensical OAM program:
1. LDA 0
2. STA 5
3. INC
4. BR 5
5. DEC
6. LDA 0
7. MLT 5
8. STA 0
9. DEC
10. BRZ 11
11. BR 7
12. HLT
Assume any inputs required by the program are taken, in order, from
the input sequence {2,2,4,4,6,6,...}. What output, if any, would
you observe as this program is executed? Also, what is left in each of
the registers (PC, IR, AR, ACC, and B) once the program halts?
Finally, how would the program's behavior differ if statement 11 read
BR 8 instead?
- Here is the OAM code produced by the OAMulator compiler for the first example
in the tutorial:
1. SET "Input a B value."
2. STA 0
3. LDA 0
4. STA 6
5. BR 6
7. SET "Input an A value."
8. STA 0
9. LDA 0
10. STA 12
11. BR 12
12. NOOP
13. LDA 12
14. STA 16
15. BR 16
16. NOOP
17. LDA 6
18. MLT 16
19. STA 21
20. BR 21
21. NOOP
22. LDA 12
23. SUB 21
24. STA 12
25. LDA 12
26. STA 28
27. BR 28
28. NOOP
29. LDA 12
30. MLT 28
31. STA 33
32. BR 33
33. NOOP
34. SET "The value of (A - AB) squared is"
35. STA 0
36. LDA 33
37. STA 0
38. HLT
Study the OAM and OAMPL code side by side and ask yourself the
following questions.
- What is the correspondance between OAMPL and OAM statements?
That is, which OAM statements result from which OAMPL statements?
Partition the OAM code and label each ``chunk'' accordingly.
- Label each NOOP place holder with a description of the
data stored therein. For example, if the NOOP stores a
variable value, write the name of the variable beside it.
- Are any OAM statements produced that don't correspond
to some OAMPL statement? Which ones and why?
- Study the OAM code carefully. Are there any optimizations you
might suggest to shorten the code? Why do you think these are
difficult to identify automatically?
- Here is a CGI script written in OAMPL. Find 6 bugs. Are these OAMPL, HTTP, or HTML bugs?
WRITE "Content-type: text/html\n"
WRITE "<H1>Here is a list:"
LOOP (N + 1)