I500 sequence flow chart

New INFO I500 Sequence: Fundamentals of Informatics

Starting 2004-2005, this course will be reorganized into 3 courses:
General intro to computing history, organization and programming for all Informatics grads without strong computing background
Intro to computing concepts and tools for grads in Science Informatics tracks (bioinformatics, chemical informatics, ...)
Intro to computing concepts and tools for Informatics grads in Human-Computer Interaction Design
All entering Informatics grads will take a placement test, which will help the faculty evaluate each student's background and decide which I500 sequence courses the student should take, if any (see flow-chart).


The main concepts and tools covered tentatively include: Books:


The main concepts and tools covered tentatively include: Books (tentatively recommended):


The main concepts and tools covered tentatively include: Books: TBD