I211 Information Infrastructure II (4 CR)

Project checkpoint 1

Write a Perl program that, given a ZIP code as a command-line argument, prints a list of nearby restaurants, in XML format.

As a data source, you can use this RDF fragment (also available in Oncourse) from chefmoz.org (for full data and use license, go to http://chefmoz.org/rdf.html). Your script will have to use regular expressions to extract the restaurant records matching the ZIP code.

For the output XML, use the geoRSS format as described in the Yahoo! Maps Simple API Reference Manual (see sample XML file; use addresses rather than geo-coordinates; no need for groups).

Project checkpoint 2

Write a Perl program that, given a ZIP code as a command-line argument, saves a list of nearby restaurants in an XML file.

As a data source, use the full RDF dump that you can download from http://chefmoz.org/rdf.html (be sure to abide by the Chef Moz use license). Given the huge size of this RDF source file, your script would be too slow if it used regular expressions to extract the restaurant records each time a ZIP code is issued (imagine doing this thousands of times!). Therefore, you will have to first write another script to extract all restaurant records by parsing the RDF file, and save them in a database for later lookup. You can use the DB_File module to create Berkeley database files with the restaurant records. Design your database so that you can quickly extract all the desired records, without looking through the entire database (hint: you will need an index). Once the database is constructed, the main script will use the DB_File module to query the database and quickly retrieve all the restaurant records matching the input ZIP.

For the output XML, use the same geoRSS format as for project checkpoint 1. Then, use the Yahoo! Maps Simple API to create an interactive map with the matching restaurants. You will need to get a free application ID first, then pass your XML file to api.maps.yahoo.com in a REST query (follow the Yahoo! Maps Simple API documentation).

Project checkpoint 3

Write a Perl CGI script to create a dynamic web page with a form to input a ZIP code. Once the user submits a ZIP code, the script will generate a cool interactive satellite map with nearby restaurants.

As a data source, use the database that you built in project checkpoint 2 starting from the full Chef Moz RDF dump (be sure to abide by the Chef Moz use license).

To generate the map, use the Yahoo! Maps AJAX API (reuse your application ID from project checkpoint 2). Your CGI script will dynamically generate an HTML page to overlay GeoRSS data on the map. Follow the example in the documentation to see how you can use an existing XML data file, which your script will create on the fly as in project checkpoint 2.

Final project

Extend the code you developed in the project checkpoints to develop a dynamic web site in Perl that allows users to find restaurants. The site should allow various input criteria such as ZIP, city, address, food type, etc. The output should be a cool and fast interactive map with restaurants matching the user criteria. In addition to the map, the site should also display a list of restaurant hits ranked by ratings. The site should display ratings, reviews, and other restaurant information when the user clicks on any marker in the map or link in the list. Here are some examples from earlier terms:


Checkpoints and final project will be graded based on the following criteria:
Does the code work as expected? Is it easy to use? Does it use reasonable algorithms and data structures as discussed in class? Did it produce reasonable results? Was it tested thoroughly? Does it check for appropriate input and fail gracefully?
Is the code legible and understandable? Does it use subroutines for clarity, reuse and encapsulation?
Is the code thoroughly and clearly commented? Is there an adequate readme file?
May Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris be with you.