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Lab 2: Getting Started with Perl (and speeding tickets!) |
Overview |
Welcome back! Today, we are going to get started with writing a few
basic Perl scripts. We'll also understand what chmod
u+x and a "shebang" are good for.
Running Programs |
Think back to your first Perl program from last time: #!/usr/bin/perl -w print "Hello, World!\n"; The very first line, #!/usr/bin/perl -w , is called a "shebang" line. The name comes from a contraction of "hash-bang" which is how the symbols "#!" are sometimes pronounced.
So long as we run our programs by perl hello.pl on the
command line, we do not need the shebang line. When we run CGI
scripts, though, we need the shebang to tell the web server how to
run our script. Also, having a shebang lets us run our Perl
scripts from the command line like real programs, without saying
jpr@sulu (~) % chmod u+x hello.pl jpr@sulu (~) % ./hello.pl Hello, World! jpr@sulu (~) % chmod u+x means "CHange the MODe of the file to allow
the User to eXecute it."
Note the ./ - that means "look for the script in the
current directory," because . is shorthand for the
current directory.
You should get into the habit of running |
Math with Perl |
Perl has all the math operators you'd expect, and some you
might not. We'll talk a lot more about them later, but for now
let's stick to +, -, *, and
/ . Do This: Log in to sulu.informatics.indiana.edu and use mkdir to create a directory called lab2
in your i211 folder. Use cd to change to
your new directory, i211/lab2 .
Next, let's write a Perl program to solve some simple math problems. To get you started, here's a Perl program that prints the sum of 768 and 5102: #!/usr/bin/perl -w print 768 + 5102, "\n"; The "\n" is code for a new line character. Try
running this program with and without this character to see
what the difference is.Do This: Create a Perl program named math.pl in your
lab2 directory that prints out the answers to the
following grade-school math problems, as well as the problems
themselves. That is, the first line of output your program
produces should be 8591 + 919 = 9510 . End each
answer by a newline (\n ). Note: of course, your
Perl program should compute the answer to each problem
.. don't just type it in!
Variables! |
Variables in Perl are places to store information that your
program cares about. They are a way to give values a name to make
them easier (or possible) to work with:#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Causes Perl to check for some common errors, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED my $a; $a = 5; print "a is : $a\n"; jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % chmod u+x vars.pl jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % ./vars.pl a is : 5 jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % Notice how the value of $a was inserted in the text; this is called interpolation.
Of course, we can also do math with variables: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $a = 5; # can do this on one line! print "a is : $a\n"; $a = $a + 5; print "a is now : $a\n"; Note that the Another cool thing we can do with variables is get their values from the user: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $name; print "Enter your name => "; $name = <STDIN>; # read the name from the keyboard chomp $name; # remove the "enter" key (\n) from the end print "Hello, $name.\n"; Do This: Create a file called handshake.pl in your i211/lab2 folder, and put the above code in it. Run it, and see how it works.Do This:
Use the cp command to copy handshake.pl to a new file called age.pl . Modify age.pl so it asks for a name and an age, and stores each in a variable. Your program should then print out the person's name, and age in two years. Use what you learned about doing math on variables. An example output is shown below.jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % ./age.pl Enter your name => Jacob Enter your age => 100 Hello, Jacob. In two years, you will be 102. jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % |
Speeding Tickets |
Finally, on to the speeding tickets. The cost of a speeding ticket can be calcuated as follows (it's a little different in Indiana, but same idea):cost = (miles over limit) * (cost per mile) + (base cost) miles over limit = (your speed) - (speed limit) Do this:
Write a program that fetches four variables from the user - their speed, the speed limit, the base fine, and the cost per mile over the speed limit. Your program should then apply the equations above to figure out how much they owe the state. Some sample output is shown below. Name your program ticket.pl . Do not worry about illegal input (e.g. when the user is not really speeding).jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % ./ticket.pl Enter the speed limit => 55 Enter your speed => 65 Enter the cost per mile over => 5 Enter the base fine => 100 You were 10 miles over the limit. Thus, you owe 150 dollars. jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) % When this program works, congratulations, you're done! Time to submit. |
Turn in your assignment |
As usual, let's make a tarball of your assignment files (make sure they are ALL in the lab2 directory!) For this lab, you should have the following files:
jpr@sulu (i211/lab2) > cd .. jpr@sulu (i211) > tar cz lab2 > lab2.tar.gz jpr@sulu (i211) > You should then download this Okay, that's it! Have a good weekend. |